Index Regulation

How we adhere to Regulatory Standards

The provision of accurate and reliable indexes requires the provider to have in place robust governance procedures including an effective oversight framework and well-defined organizational policies.  Suitable arrangements for the oversight framework were advocated in the IOSCO Report on the Principles for Financial Benchmarks published in 2013. 

For certain uses of benchmarks in the European Union, the making available of certain policy, governance and other index documentation were made requirements in the EU Benchmark Regulation which became effective in January 2018 and subsequently the UK Benchmark Regulation which became effective in December 2020. 

To fulfil its regulatory responsibilities, the documents that together describe the Wilshire Indexes governance arrangements are published below. 

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To ensure that the benchmarks administered by Wilshire Indexes meet the highest standards of accuracy and reliability, Wilshire Indexes has developed a governance framework to oversee all aspects of the determination and dissemination of its benchmarks. The various bodies involved in the oversight of benchmarks administered by Wilshire Indexes are summarised below. Together, these bodies are responsible for the development and/or approval of the various policies and procedures that apply to the Wilshire Indexes business.

As part of the Wilshire group of companies, a number of policies developed at the group level apply to the staff of Wilshire Indexes.  The policies include those embedded within the Wilshire Compliance Manual and the Wilshire Code of Ethics which cover, inter alia the rules concerning personal dealing, and the acceptance and provision of gifts and entertainment. In addition to Wilshire group policies, the Wilshire Indexes Oversight Function has developed and approved index-specific policies that apply to all aspects of the administration of Wilshire Indexes benchmarks.

 Queries and Complaints Policy
The Queries and Complaints Policy sets out the procedures to be followed should an index user or other stakeholder wish to query the determination of an index.  If the query is not answered to the complainant's satisfaction, the query can be elevated to a complaint for formal consideration by the Wilshire Indexes Executive Committee.

Benchmark Approval, Change and Cessation Policy
The Benchmark Approval, Change and Cessation Policy sets out the procedures to be followed by Wilshire Indexes when approving a new benchmark methodology, changing an existing benchmark methodology (material and non-material changes are distinguished), and ceasing the calculation and publication of an existing benchmark.

All benchmarks administered by Wilshire Indexes are maintained according to policies that apply to all indexes that select their constituents from a particular asset class.  These policies supplement the methodology documentation for individual indexes and should be read in conjunction with those methodology documents.

Equity Index Calculation and Corporate Action Guide
The Equity Index Calculation and Corporate Action Guide sets out the method of index calculation including the treatment of corporate actions.  The guide also summarises the procedures to be followed in those circumstances where prices for individual securities or securities traded on a particular market are unavailable.

Error Correction Policy for Equity Indexes
The Error Correction Policy for Equity Indexes sets out the procedures to be followed in the event of an error being discovered that affects the calculation of an index.  

Input Data Used in Equity Benchmarks
The Input Data Used in Equity Benchmarks document describes the various types of input data that are used in the determination of Wilshire Indexes equity benchmarks.

Policy for the Exercise of Expert judgement
The Wilshire Indexes methodology documents and the index policies published here are written to be transparent and objective so as to minimise the need for expert judgement in so far as is practical.  However, there may be circumstances in which expert judgement is required, including in the determination of an input data variable, or in the most suitable implementation of a corporate, or market, event. See Wilshire Indexes Policy for the Exercise of Expert Judgement.


Wilshire Indexes is registered as a Benchmark Administrator with the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority in accordance with the EU Benchmark Regulation (EU2016/1011) and the supplementary regulatory technical standards, and of the retained EU law in the UK (The Benchmarks (Amendment and Transitional Provision) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019).  

The EU and UK Benchmark Regulations require authorised and registered administrators to comply with certain obligations setout in the regulations, including making available the administrator's governance arrangements index methodology documentation and the index policies to be followed in specified circumstances.  The EU and UK Benchmark Regulations also require the publication of Benchmark Statements for each benchmark or family of benchmarks that summarises the essential features of the benchmark methodology and the administrator’s governance arrangements. Wilshire Indexes benchmark statements for those indexes being made available for use as a benchmark are published below.

Wilshire Indexes Policy Documents

Benchmark Approval, Change and Cessation Policy
Equity Index Calculation and Corporate Action Guide
Error Correction Policy for Digital Asset Indexes
Error Correction Policy for Equity Indexes
Glossary of Terms
Input Data Used in Equity Benchmarks
Policy for the Exercise of Expert Judgement
Queries and Complaints Policy

Governance Framework

New Product Committee Terms of Reference
Executive Committee Terms of Reference
Digital Assets Advisory Group Terms of Reference
Equity Index Advisory Group Terms of Reference
Index Management Committee Terms of Reference
Board of Directors Terms of Reference

Benchmark Statements

FT Wilshire 5000 Index Series Benchmark Statement
FT Wilshire Digital Asset Index Series Benchmark Statement
FT Wilshire Factor Index Series Benchmark Statement
FT Wilshire GLIO Listed Infrastructure Index Series Benchmark Statement
FT Wilshire Global Equity Market Series Benchmark Statement
FT Wilshire Minimum Variance Index Series Benchmark Statement
FT Wilshire NxtGen Index Series Benchmark Statement
FT Wilshire Style Index Series Benchmark Statement
FT Wilshire US Large Cap Climate Change 1.5o C Target Index Benchmark Statement
FT Wilshire US Real Estate Index Series Benchmark Statement
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