US valuations rebound from mid-June lows led by consumer durables, technology and retail sectors

US consumer durables, technology and retail have led the re-rating of the US market since mid-June

After a significant PE de-rating in the first half of the year and a narrowing of valuation dispersion, US consumer durables, technology and retail have led the re-rating of the US market since mid-June.

US, Europe ex UK and Emerging Markets have seen the largest re-ratings since mid-June

Chart 1 shows the current regional 12m forward PEs, the scale of the de-rating from the start of the year to the lows in mid June and the re-rating since. Following a 30% decline in the PE from 22.5 to 15.7x in mid-June, the US has been among those to see the biggest re-ratings since, along with Emerging Markets and Europe ex UK.

Chart 1: Scale of regional PE de-ratings in the first half of the year and the recovery since mid-June

Consumer durables, technology and retail sectors have led the US re-rating

Looking into what has driven the US re-rating, Chart 2 again shows the latest 12m forward PEs and the shifts in valuations at the US sector level. As we can see, the consumer durables, retail and technology sectors have seen the largest re-ratings since mid June. These sectors saw some of the largest de-ratings in the first half of the year.

Chart 2: Status of US sector 12m forward PE and the journey traveled so far in 2022

The market sell-off in the first half of the year caused a substantial narrowing of valuation dispersion in the US

Drilling further into the dynamics within the US market, Chart 3 looks at the top quintile PE relative to the median stock PE. As we can see, the cluster of top quintile PEs has witnessed a significant relative PE expansion since mid-2017. The upshot of the market sell-off in the first half of the year, which had an outsized impact on more highly valued growth and tech stocks, is that we have seen a narrowing in the valuation dispersion between the top quintile and median stock PEs in the US, with the premium falling back toward pre-COVID levels in June. However, with the growth and tech sectors regaining market leadership since the US recovery, more recently we have seen the valuation dispersion beginning to widen again.

Chart 3: Top quintile US PE relative to the median stock PE


Source: Wilshire, Factset and Refinitiv, 10 August 2022

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