Narrowing of market breadth
2023 has witnessed some key inflection points and reversals in market behavior compared with the 2022. One of the most notable shifts has been the resumption of deteriorating market performance dispersion. Exhibit 1 shows that 2022 saw the equally-weighted FT Wilshire 5000 significantly outperform the market cap weighted index but 2023 has seen this pattern reversed.
Exhibit 1: The Equally weighted index has started to underperform its market cap peer.

Source: FT Wilshire
The median stock has also started to lag the top 10 stock return
Another gauge of market performance dispersion is the comparison between the return of the median stock with that of the aggregate return of the top ten stocks. Exhibit 2shows that 2022 saw the median stock outperform by c.10% but so far 2023 has seen a significant reversal with the top 10 stocks outperforming by more than 20%.
Exhibit 2: Comparing the performance of the median stock to that of the top 10 stocks

Source: FT Wilshire
A major reversal in style rotation
Another key dynamic of market rotation in 2023 has been the reversal in Style performance.
Exhibits 3A &B3 show the scale of reversal in the Growth v Value and Large cap v Small cap relative performance in 2023 .
Exhibit 3A: 2023 has seen a strong rotation back to Growth style v Value

Source: FT Wilshire
Exhibit 3B: 2023 has seen a strong rotation back to Large cap v small cap style

Source: FT Wilshire
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